
Combat Air Strategy question in Parliament

Robert has been campaigning for a coordinated strategy for defence procurement, and so strongly welcomes the Government's announcement that it will be creating one. However, it is essential that a combat air strategy by the Ministry of Defence needs to not only look at what aircraft the Royal

Kingham Hill School visit Parliament

Robert really enjoyed meeting with pupils from Kingham Hill School  this week in Parliament where they went on a tour, watched Ministry of Defence departmental questions in the House of Commons and learnt about how Parliament works in the Parliamentary Education Centre.

Charlbury Chronicle - Robert Courts MP column

"I was pleased to host my first “Ask the GWR” event in the Memorial Hall in February.  Many of you made clear your concerns about the current state of rail services in your correspondence to me over the Christmas period.

Burford Bridge - MP Report

"Many of you have made clear your concerns about mental health, either when you have seen me out and about in Burford or in written correspondence.  Let me assure you that mental health provision is an absolute priority for me.  That is why I welcome the work that we are doing to strengthe

A final fix for the A40 must be found

Robert Courts' speech in the House of Commons earlier on the A40 - again pressing the importance of finding a final fix if West Oxfordshire is to reach its full potential.

Robert speaks about the need to rebuild our air defences

Robert asks the question in Parliament about the need to rebuild our air defences, though a combat air strategy: "My right hon. Friend is making a powerful speech, and I am interested in his comments on rebuilding our air defences.