
Robert hosts a Parliamentary Reception to celebrate U3A

Robert said, "I was delighted to host a Parliamentary reception for U3A to launch their new report ‘Learning not Lonely’ with their chairman - and West Oxfordshire constituent - Pam Jones, and celebrate the amazing work they do to combat loneliness in our communities. "They are a unique o

Robert backs Rural Crime reporting line

Robert today joined the National Farmers' Union at the launch of their new anonymous rural crime reporting line, in partnerships with CrimeStoppers.   Robert said, "Rural crime is on the rise, and it is a serious issue for farmers, businesses and those who live in the countryside.

Robert holds meeting of APPG for Community Transport with local providers

Robert said, "We had a very productive session, with community transport providers from all over the UK, from rural Scotland and Wales, to urban areas like Bournemouth - and West Oxfordshire's own OurBus Bartons - joining to discuss their experiences. "What was clear was the wide array of models in

Robert praises the RAF100 fly-past in Parliament

Robert said, "In this centenary year of the RAF, will my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State join me in celebrating its extraordinary achievements and encourage as many people as possible to see the exhibition at Horse Guards and the fly-past tomorrow?"