
Robert Visits Chrissie's Owls

Chrissie's Owls is a small family run charity, based in Stonesfield, with a genuine love of owls.  Chrissie, with the help of her family and some very committed volunteers, attend craft and country shows throughout the year to help raise funds for their owl rescue work across Oxfordshire.

Robert Joins Launch of STEM Jobs & Skills Working Group

Robert joined the All-Party Parliamentary Group on General Aviation (APPG-GA) to launch its new Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Jobs and Skills working group. Launched by the APPG-GA’s Ambassador Carol Vorderman, the STEM Jobs and Skills Working Group will educate Parli

Robert Signs Letter to the Prime Minister Calling for Protection for Veterans

Robert has joined forces with 150 Conservative MPs and peers who have written to the Prime Minister demanding that the plans to investigate Northern Ireland veterans come to a halt. The letter, which is also backed by four former Chiefs of Defence Staff, a former First Sea Lord and a form

Robert Presses Health Secretary on GP Recruitment

Robert said: “The recruitment and retention of GPs is one of the biggest challenges facing the NHS in our area.  I am encouraged by the significant increase in the number of doctors entering GP training, and it is important this progress is built upon to meet the Government’s target of getting

Robert Visits Local Business Neve's Bees

Neve's Bees is a family-run business based in Eynsham which produces 100% natural beeswax beauty products.  They were successful in Blenheim's recent start-up competition, meaning their products are now on sale in the Palace's shop. During the visit, Robert took the opportunity

Robert is Elected to the Transport Select Committee

Robert has been elected by his fellow MPs to sit on the Transport Select Committee.  He has been a strong voice on local and national transport issues since being elected to Parliament, leading campaigns for improvements to the A40 and the Cotswold Line.  Furthermore, he is Parliamen