
Robert Attends Combe Reading Room for Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-limiting genetic condition affecting more than 10,000 people across the UK. It affects the lungs and digestive system and can cause chronic infections and reduced lung function. Currently, half of those with CF will not live past age 41.

Spending Round 2019 Delivers for West Oxfordshire

Robert has welcomed the Chancellor’s Spending Round for 2019 which was delivered today. In his speech the Chancellor confirmed that no Government department would see its budget reduced, and all would see funding increases at least in line with inflation. The Spending Round includes an additional

Robert Welcomes PET-CT Success

On Tuesday 3 September, NHS England and Improvement, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUHFT), and InHealth announced that PET-CT scanning services would remain at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford. Earlier this year, ‘InHealth’ were awarded the contract for PET-CT services in O

Robert Meets British Horse Society at New Yatt Farm

Robert said: "I had a really informative meeting with The British Horse Society at New Yatt Farm recently. "There is a significant equestrian community within West Oxfordshire and - although they try to use bridleways where possible - many are disjointed, making the use of unsuitable busy roads nec

Robert Welcomes Government Action to Improve Rural Broadband

Digital Secretary Nicky Morgan has launched a £30 million UK-wide competition to spark a tech revolution in countryside communities and help rural Britain seize the opportunities of 5G technology. Responding to the announcement, Robert said: "This is another step forward for rural broadband this mo