
'Thriving defence industries on our doorstep'

You can read my latest column for the Witney Gazette here: When I entered into Parliament, I knew that defence was an area that I really wanted to focus on, given its central role in West Oxfordshire in industrial and military terms.

Robert Courts MP writes to all headteachers in West Oxfordshire

I have today written to every primary and secondary school in West Oxfordshire to discuss the Schools National Funding Formula. I want to know the concerns and the opinions of all the headteachers, as those who will be greatly affected by these decisions. I have pledged to champion their opinions

Witney Gazette - Public consultation meeting in Witney with health bosses

Robert Courts MP attended the second public consultation meeting held in the constituency by Oxfordshire health bosses, about their proposals for the future of Oxfordshire healthcare. At this meeting, Robert further highlighted the poor judgement in separating this consultation into phases: the fir

Witney Gazette - Witney MP's office is open to the public

Robert Courts MP's office in Witney is now fully open to the public. Located within the West Oxfordshire Conservative Association office on the High Street in Witney, Robert wanted to make his presence in Witney clearly known. Read this article in full here.

February is Rural Crime Month

The Thames Valley Police Rural Partnership has launched a month of action in order to further combat crime in rural areas. The campaign, which will run throughout this month, will be focussing on combating crimes which affect rural businesses in the Thames Valley, particularly burglaries at non

Meeting Wootton Parish Council

Robert's busy day finished by meeting Wootton Parish Council, as well as members of the public, at the gorgeous Killingworth Castle pub and restaurant.

Visiting My Store Self Storage

It is always a pleasure to visit thriving, innovative new local businesses, such as My Store Self Storage, the first purpose built one in Witney- and it is great to see their success. 

Helen & Douglas House, an amazing charity

Helen & Douglas House is a registered charity caring for babies, children & young adults with life-shortening conditions; it is reliant on voluntary donations. My visit to them was both moving and inspiring; what a privilege to meet their fantastic team.