
Robert Courts MP visits Abingdon and Witney College

I greatly enjoyed my recent visit to Abingdon and Witney college.  I went on a tour of the college and met with a number of students.  I was particularly impressed with the facilities at the campus, which are rivalled only by talents of students & skills of teachers.

Robert Courts writes to the Secretary of State about the IRP referral

Read this letter in full below. I am pleased that the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, has now referred this matter to the Independent Reconfiguration Panel for review. However, as you will read, I am very concerned that OCCG have not been required to stop closure proceedings.

Meeting with Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce

The Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Group does a great job supporting promoting and lobbying for business in the Thames Valley. I was pleased to meet with them and discuss current policy issues and hearing the views of local business.