
Robert Welcomes Introduction of Legislation to Ban Plastic Straws

Robert said: "Earlier this week, legislation to ban plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds entered Parliament. "As a passionate conservationist, diver and member of the Marine Conservation Society, I have long campaigned for this legislation and am delighted to see it start its journey throu

Robert Backs Reading Campaign on World Book Day

Speaking in Parliament, Robert said: "On World Book Day, I'm supporting World Book Day UK's Reading Revolution campaign, which aims to encourage parents and carers to read to their children for ten minutes a day, every day.

Coronavirus Update

Please could I encourage constituents to read the Government's latest information and advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19), which can be found through the links below. Earlier today the Government and the Devolved Administration published an action plan that sets out how Ministers have responded so far

Robert Welcomes Plans for Future Greener Farming

Robert said: "The Government has just published new details on our future Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELM), which will see farmers paid for their hard work which enhances and protects our environment. "Now we have left the European Union, we have the opportunity to ensure our environment

Robert Welcomes Increase in Council Funding

Robert said: "Last night, we confirmed the biggest increase in councils’ spending power for a decade – ensuring local public services are properly supported, with a 4.4% real terms increase in funding. "MPs voted to approve additional funding for both our hardworking police and for local councils.

Robert Joins Parliamentary Delegation to Israel

During this week's Parliamentary Recess, I joined a Parliamentary delegation on a fact-finding trip to Israel.  It has been a fascinating few days which have vastly enriched my understanding of this historic, beautiful - and sadly troubled - region.

Robert Backs Veteran Railcard

Robert said: "Available from Armistice Day and part of the Government’s Veterans Strategy, the Veteran Railcard offers a third off rail travel for veterans and their families! A brilliant idea I am glad to support."

Robert Welcomes £5 Billion Gigabit Broadband Investment

Robert said: "This Government is investing £5 billion to rollout gigabit broadband across the country, with funding targetted at the hardest to reach rural areas. We want everyone in the UK to benefit from world-class connectivity no matter where they live, work or travel.

Robert Hosts Assembly at Leafield Primary School

Robert said: "It was a pleasure to host my interactive 'How Parliament Works' assembly for pupils at Leafield Primary School this morning. A really enthusiastic and engaged group - making for a compelling debate!"