
Mobile Connectivity Survey

I have campaigned tirelessly to improve mobile connectivity across West Oxfordshire and to extend mobile coverage to our most rural and hard-to-each areas.

Join Free First-Aid Session on World Restart a Heart Day

To mark World Restart a Heart day (Friday, 16th October), Chris Tancock from local first-aid initiative Pint of Life is hosting two free first aid sessions via Zoom. Robert said: "I have hosted one of Chris' sessions in the past and am hugely supportive of everything Pint of Lif

Robert Welcomes Chancellor's Winter Economy Plan

The Chancellor has just set out the Government's Winter Economy Plan – the next phase of our planned economic response to Coronavirus, following the Prime Minister’s address to the nation earlier this week. There are reasons to be cautiously optimistic: thanks to the Government's comprehensive and

Prime Minister Announces New Measures to Suppress Rise in Coronavirus Cases

At every stage of this pandemic, the Government has sought to strike a delicate balance between saving lives by protecting our NHS and minimising the wider impact of restrictions. Yesterday the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Adviser warned that Coronavirus cases are rising and therefore

Robert Visits Burford School

Robert said: "It was a pleasure to visit Burford School recently to see the measures school leaders have put in place to ensure the safety of students and staff.

Robert Welcomes School Reopening

Robert said: "Education is vital to every child's development - and nothing will have a greater effect on improving the life chances of our children than them returning to school.