
Holocaust Memorial Day approaches - we must never forget the lessons of the past

The Holocaust Educational Trust works with schools, colleges and communities across the UK to educate about the Holocaust and its contemporary relevance. I was honoured to sign the Holocaust Educational Trust's Book of Commitment today. It is so vital that we remember the victims and survivors

Oxford Mail - Calls for action to tackle road defects on National Pothole Day

The Department for Transport revealed the county council would receive £19.4m for road maintenance in the next financial year, with £1.3m specifically for repairing potholes. Robert Courts welcomed the news saying, "The state of our roads is consistently raised with me by local residents and remain

Ebico - UK's first not-for-profit energy provider

Ebico is the UK's first not-for-profit energy provider, with a core aim to put people before profits – and to provide affordable energy for every home.  Today, I had a very interesting visit to them, hearing about their work helping those affected by fuel poverty.

Meeting the 'team' from the Bike Safe Charity, B4044!

The Bike Safe charity aims to get a multipurpose community path built between Eynsham and Botley (Oxford) via Farmoor along the B4044. There was a great turnout when I visited them at the Talbot to hear about proposals for a cycle lane from Eynsham to Oxford. 

Community First Oxon

Community First Oxon (formerly ORCC) helps communities with community led plans, housing, transport, village halls & shops and more. Today, I had an important visit to the brilliant hard-working team to discuss ways to work together to help West Ox's rural communities

Discussions on the Oxon NHS Transformation Programme consultation

My first meeting this morning was with Oxfordshire CCG, discussing the many pressing health issues specific to West Oxfordshire. Victoria Prentis and I discussed with  Trust and CCG the Oxon NHS transformation programme consultation. There is still much to be ironed out.