Since being elected as your MP, healthcare has been one of my very highest priorities. With Oxfordshire Health bosses looking at how to make Oxfordshire's health services work best in the future, as well as issues with local services, this is an essential topic that I will continue to work hard on.
I have, for the first time ever, brought together local health bosses and planning chiefs to ensure that when new homes are built locally they coincide with new or upgraded healthcare provision.
I have also campaigned successfully alongside community groups and other Oxfordshire MPs to protect local services. Cogges Surgery is going from strength to strength and my efforts also helped to retain world-leading cancer scanning services and expert staff at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.
Nationally, I welcome the publication of the NHS Long-Term Plan which will make sure our NHS is able to address the challenges of the coming decades. Backed by a historic funding increase of £33.9 billion, the Long-Term Plan places an emphasis on community care, which is so important for a rural area like West Oxfordshire.
Our NHS and the services it provides are vital to us all. From ensuring residents are consulted, to campaigning for better GP access in our rural area, I will always fight for local services. I will focus on building key relationships to understand the complex challenges that surround them, and work to improve mental health provision and adult social care.