
Park Homes Rally

It was good to attend a packed Park Homes Rally recently to speak up for West Oxfordshire Park Home residents and highlight some of the unscrupulous practices within the sector.

Visit to Smiths of Bletchingdon Quarry

I was pleased to visit Smiths of Bletchingdon Quarry recently to learn more about their sites in West Oxfordshire, including how they work with local communities to reduce the impacts of operations as well as the economic benefits of their work.

Robert Welcomes The District Council's 'New Playing Field Strategy'

I am pleased to see that the District Council has responded to the pressure from our playing fields campaign and finally committed to a ‘new playing field strategy’ aiming to protect the future of pitch sports and secure more facilities for local teams.

A Survey for Veterans

*** Please take part and share if you are a veteran***

Extremely important cross-party work here.

Help for Heroes

Pleased to join Help For Heroes in Parliament recently to congratulate the charity on their 15th anniversary and support the work they continue to deliver.

Trip to Estonia to Visit British Troops

Since 2017 the UK has led a multinational battlegroup in Estonia, one of several established by NATO in 2016 to “enhance” its military footprint in the eastern part of the Alliance.

Poppy Appeal RIde

On Armistice Day, we remember and thank service personnel and their families for the sacrifices they made to protect our country and freedoms.