I want to reassure service families that I am very aware of the ongoing issues being raised with the conditions of military housing in West Oxfordshire. I have heard the deep concerns that many of you have with home maintenance and repairs issues.
I recently met with residents in Carterton to see first-hand the reasons why so many are so unhappy with the performance of the Pinnacle/VIVO contract.
Service men and women do an outstanding job at protecting our country, both at home and abroad. It is unacceptable that they have been left to live in poor conditions with repairs and maintenance issues requested but not completed within the service timeframes.
Following the visit to service homes I raised my concerns in the House of Commons with the Minister responsible to ask what the Ministry of Defence is doing to hold Pinnacle Housing to account for the current standards of service housing.
As a member of the House of Commons Defence Select Committee I will continue to scrutinise the Government on this issue and monitor progress very closely.
If you have not already, please do reach out to me at [email protected] to share any concerns that you may have on this issue.
I have also asked to meet with representatives from Pinnacle and VIVO in the near future and I will be raising my serious concerns with them directly.
Please do watch my question above.