Thank you to all those who participated in Cllr Ashby & my online survey. Your responses and that of others is incredibly helpful in allowing me to represent the strength of feeling around this matter to WODC as well as the developers.
I would like to take this opportunity to update you following a meeting Cllr Ashby and I held with WODC’s Planning Department last week.
WODC have now informed me that they have now received the new plans for the local centre and they will be looking into the reconsidered plans as soon as possible. I have been assured that the estimated timeframe for the planning approval of the local centre is now December. I will be following progress on this closely.
For the sports pavillion, I am aware the the developers are currently working with the relevant parties to meet the requirements of Sport England, the Football Association and Witney Town Council in order to future proof the pavilion. I am aware that a delay did occur in the planning process. I have now made clear again how unacceptable this is, particularly given how long residents have already waited to have access to these facilities. I am now following this up with WODC to request their most up to date position.
The sports pitches have been delayed due to vandalism and environmental factors, meaning they were damaged and unable to be used. WODC have now assured me that remedial measures are in place to rectify the pitches. However, these pitches will most probably have to be delivered at the same time as a pavilion, due to accessibility complications and safety. Of course, I will also be following this up to ensure that this happens as soon as possible.
Finally, Cllr Ashby and I made it very clear that the chronic lack of communication from WODC to residents was totally unacceptable. Cllr Ashby and I will continue to keep the pressure on both parties to ensure that the lack of communication does not persist, and that action is taken urgently to address these long-standing issues for residents.
As part of my next steps for this campaign, I will be meeting with the developers of Windrush Place to discuss with them these delays and press them to deliver on their section 106 obligations.