- We passed the world’s first Climate Change Act over a decade ago with cross-party support to give us both a framework to set statutory carbon budgets and set up the independent Committee on Climate Change.
- Published the UK Clean Growth Strategy
- Reduced greenhouse gases by a quarter since coming to office in 2010.
- Launched ambitious 25 Year Environment Plan to protect the world’s most biodiverse forests, support sustainable agriculture and enhance sustainability, and support zero-deforestation supply chains.
- Introduced a legally binding net zero target to end the UK’s contribution to global warming entirely by 2050.
- Increased renewable electricity generation six-fold under the Conservatives. 2018 was the greenest year to date for electricity generation, with renewable sources supplying a record 33 per cent of electricity in 2018, up from 6.7 per cent in 2009.
- Reduced emissions faster than any other G20 country reducing emissions by 29 per cent in the last decade alone. The UK has delivered reductions of an average of 3.7 per cent a year, compared to the EU average of 2.3 per cent and a G7 average of 2.2 per cent.
- Phasing out coal power: use of the grid down 40 per cent since 2012.
- Quadrupled Renewable electricity generation since 2010 and clean electricity now gives us over 50 per cent of our total.
- Secured £92 billion investment by businesses in clean energy since 2010 and renewables now generate 37.1 per cent of the UK’s electricity, up from 6.1 per cent in 2010.
- Created 400,000 green collar jobs in the UK (more than aerospace) and is growing much faster than the main economy – with estimated potential exports of more than £60 billion by 2030.
- Invested £2.5 billion in low carbon technology over this parliament – the largest ever public research and development in clean growth.